martedì 7 marzo 2017

We live in a sgarruped city

It is many years that we live in a sgarruped city. Rome is diventat very sgarruped in the recent years and this is very trist. Everybody say this except the sgarruped people.

Nowadays Tutt things are sgarruped in Rome. Sgarruped is the metro, sgarrupede the panchins at park, sgarruped the secchions of the mondeece. Sgarruped the bus, sgarruped the fountains, sgarruped the stadium of the Rome, and they want to build another new the zecc.

Only Colosseum has been desgarruped by Dieg of the Valley, but he has a lot of scwhanzig, so he can spend a lot of money for nothing. In two years Colosseum will be sgarruped da cap.

The pegg thing are the streets, full of holes and books, you casc inside with your bycicle, your motorbike, your car and sometimes even with your betonnier. It accads everyday! It is a piag! Tutt cool rotts with those books per terr. It is very dangerous! Pist Ciclabl are sgarruped and bikelanes pur.

Even the Sindac is sgarruped. With big sventol ears, since it has become Sindac she perded a lot of weight, now she is all sgarruped oss and pell. Megl scapp, as they say.

But Rome has become the very capitol of sgarruped people. Sgarrupers come to Rome from each sgarruped part of Europe and world. Our sgarruped parks are now full of sgarruped persons. Accamped or attended they are all accolled that want to live their sgarruped lives in the regin of sgarruped cities. 

They commerc in mondeece and live carcache di frigos, cartache and plasticache in tutt i posts. A la fache, comm dichons le franchons.

So that piu' they arrive, piu' s Rome is sgarruped in a vizious circle that never ends.

Talvolt I think, I pens, che debb scapp before I become sgarruped pur.

 Hoppur make com Retake, that prov a cambiar le cos. Now camb your name, call you Retake in der Secch, perche' quand sgarrupers strikes back, and sporc ancor, retake in der secch is what you really do!